red en forma circular

The Future: Blockchain and Biometrics in Action

In the ever-evolving world of technology, traditional industries are adopting innovative solutions to improve efficiency and security. A prime example of this transformation is the adoption of blockchain technology in the insurance industry, which promises to revolutionize the way we understand and manage financial protection. In this article, we will explore how blockchain and biometric …

top view virtual reality headset with joystick and keyboard

Web3: The Decentralized Future of the Internet

The Internet has undergone a constant evolution over the years, going through different stages that have redefined the way we interact online. From Web1, where we could only read, to Web2, which introduced interactivity but also the transfer of data to large corporations. Now, we are entering the era of Web3, a territory under constant …

Muchas bombillas agrupadas

Revolutionizing Energy with Smart Contracts

In an ever-changing world, technology is becoming a catalyst for innovation in all sectors. One of the fields that is undergoing a revolutionary transformation is the energy sector. The application of so-called “smart contracts” is emerging as a powerful and versatile solution to address challenges and seize opportunities in this sector. The article “Smart contracts …

Un programa, una pantalla de código y gafas

Modern cryptography and key exchanges

Modern cryptography is a branch of cryptography that focuses on the study and design of secure and efficient cryptographic algorithms to protect information in the digital age. It is based on mathematical theory and technological advances to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data in transmission and storage. Among the main objectives of modern …

Fichas que forman la palabra "Finance" con monedas de varios países.

DeFi compared to traditional finance

In the digital age, finance has evolved significantly and paved the way for a new way of operating and thinking about money. Decentralised Finance or DeFi has emerged as an alternative financial ecosystem, driven by blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. In this context, decentralisation has become more important and has challenged the status quo of traditional …

Persona escribiendo en agenda. Hombre con lupa descifrando códigos.

Modern cryptography an secret key systems

Cryptography is a computer security discipline concerned with protecting the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of information through encryption and decryption techniques. Its main objective is to ensure that transmitted information can only be read and understood by those authorised to do so, and cannot be accessed by unauthorised third parties. Cryptography is used in a …

Vista desde abajo de edificio con arquitectura griega de grandes columnas.

DApp Legal Structuring Guide

In recent years, the world of decentralized applications (DApps) has experienced a boom in technology. These applications, which operate without the need for a centralized intermediary, offer a number of advantages in terms of transparency, security, and privacy. However, one of the main barriers to their mass adoption remains the lack of clarity regarding their …

Equipo empresarial juntando las manos en la oficina.

Smart Governance for Smart Contracts

Governance is a fundamental process for the functioning of decentralized finance systems (DeFi). In this context, governance refers to a set of processes and mechanisms that enable users to participate in decision-making on the DeFi platform. Types of Governance Governance can be of two types: off-chain and on-chain. Off-chain governance is a process in which …