Teléfono móvil con una nota que dice "firmar aquí"

Smart Contract: What future applications offer?

Nick Szabo, an American computer scientist and cryptographer, is considered the creator of the Smart Contract concept in 1997. Szabo described in his article “Smart Contracts: the future of legal agreements” how contracts could be managed by computers, referring to traditional contracts, which are agreements written on paper that require human intervention for their execution. …

carretera por el bosque

Video: Use Case

The electric mobility sector is experiencing exponential growth in recent years and, with this, new challenges have been arising in optimizing the relationship between the different agents involved in this sector. The use case of GREEN, a platform under development, seeks to address these challenges through the use of advanced technologies such as Blockchain, Smart …

Monedas de bitcoin y ethereum delante de una gráfica del mercado crypto.

Video: What are consensus algorithms?

Consensus algorithms are a fundamental aspect of the blockchain. They are mechanisms designed to validate, confirm and aggregate transactions to the blockchain, which in turn allows the integrity and security of the information stored on the blockchain to be maintained. There are many types of consensus algorithms, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some …

Portada video Green sobre Zero knowledge proff

Video: What is Zero Knowledge Proof?

Cryptographic proofs are an important aspect in technology and within them, there are some very interesting ones using blockchain, such as zero knowledge proof. These algorithms allow proving that a user has certain information without sharing it. In a zero knowledge proof, there are two parts: a verifier and a demonstrator. The verifier is in …

Texto "Decentralized finance" al lado de monedas con el símbolo de Bitcoin.

Video: Are DeFi important in today’s economy?

Blockchain technology and smart contracts have revolutionized the way people think about finance and the reliance on central intermediaries. Decentralization in finance (DeFi) is an experimental way to offer traditional financial instruments without relying on banks, exchange platforms and other centralized financial services. In a decentralized system, the verification of financial transactions rests with the …

Mano humana y mano robot acercándose.

Why use Federated Learning?

Blockchain, smart contracts and federated learning technologies have revolutionized the way transactions are conducted and data is protected. However, many people may find it difficult to understand these concepts. For this reason, this article will explain one of these technologies in a simple way using an example. Federated Learning technology has become an essential tool …

Maquina de escribir con papel en blanco y un título

Video: How do Smart Contracts work?

Blockchain, smart contracts and federated learning technologies have revolutionized the way transactions are conducted and data is protected. However, many people may find it difficult to understand these concepts. For this reason, this article will explain one of these technologies in a simple way using an example. Smart Contracts are an integral part of blockchain …

Ordenador, lector de potencia, bombilla, planos y placa solar.

US EV Charging Stations Market Trends

Driven by increased awareness of environmental issues, the electric vehicle market is experiencing an unprecedented surge in the United States. The popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) has led to an increase in demand for charging stations and, consequently, a growing interest in the EV charging stations market. With sales of plug-in EVs having nearly doubled …

Blockchain coin with letters of title

Video: What is Blockchain? How does it work?

Blockchain, smart contracts and federated learning technologies have revolutionized the way transactions are conducted and data is protected. However, many people may find it difficult to understand these concepts. For this reason, this article will explain one of these technologies in a simple way using an example. The blockchain is a decentralized tool used to …