Red de diferentes servidores conectados a la nube.

Cross-Silo Federated Learning

Cross-silo federated learning supports more flexibility in certain aspects of the overall design, but at the same time presents an environment in which achieving other properties may be more difficult. The cross-silo setup may be relevant when several companies or organizations share incentives to train a model based on all their data, but cannot share …

Hombre mirando pantalla donde aparece un mapa con la red mundial de bitcoin

Blockchain: Networking and Mining

Blockchain technology has undergone significant changes since its inception, attracting the attention of a wide variety of audiences around the world. In the early days of this technology, the participants were the people who could see the change and were interested in the revolution that this technology would bring with its arrival. At its inception, …

Dados con logo NFT y una placa base

Smart contracts: Application scenarios

Smart contracts are programs based on decentralized distributed ledger technologies (DLT) that are executed based on specific logic and agreements. Due to their characteristics, they can help reduce document forgery and increase accessibility, which is why there are a large number of applications. Preservation and accessibility of documents Forgery of certificates and documents has been …

Red descentralizada con formas geometricas.

Federated Learning: Fully Decentralized Learning

In federated learning, a central server organizes the training process and receives contributions from all clients, thus potentially also representing a single point of failure. Thus, a reliable and powerful central server may not always be available or desirable in more collaborative learning scenarios, and may even become a bottleneck when the number of clients …

Gráfico fluctuaciones mercado crypto.

Getting into Blockchain: How does it really work?

Imagine that you want to retain and track changes to a file, for example, a transaction log. Also, imagine that you want to verify an uninterrupted history of all changes made to the file. How do you do this? A well-understood solution for verifying a file uses cryptographic hash functions. The ideal cryptographic hash function …

Planeta tierra visto desde el espacio

What Is Web 3 & Why It Matters?

In essence, Web 3 is a technology stack and a collection of basic programming elements or important building blocks. It also describes a new era of the Internet, including how it will affect business and society. Broadly speaking, Web 3 is a collection of technologies that include blockchain, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and …

Ordenador rosa con un contrato emergiendo y criptomonedas

Smart Contract: Introduction to contractware

A Smart Contract (SC) is a program stored on a Blockchain that executes when predetermined conditions are met. It is a collection of code (its functions) and data (its state) that resides at a specific address on the Blockchain. SCs operate by following simple “if/when…then…” statements that are written into the Blockchain code. A network …

Red electronica dispersa.

Introduction to Federated Learning

Federated Learning (FL) is a Machine Learning (ML) paradigm introduced by Google in 2016, in which many clients (e.g., mobile devices or multiple organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a central server (e.g., a service provider), while maintaining decentralized training data at all times. It embodies the principles of focused collection, data …

Monedas con el logo de Bitcoin y ethereum delante de ordenador con pantalla de inversiones.

Blockchain: Introduction to decentralized network

In August 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency. A few months later, in January 2009, Bitcoin went live and has been growing in popularity ever since. However, much of the fame it gained was thanks to Blockchain, a technology that allows Bitcoin to transact securely, privately and in a malware-proof manner without …