red en forma circular

The Future: Blockchain and Biometrics in Action

In the ever-evolving world of technology, traditional industries are adopting innovative solutions to improve efficiency and security. A prime example of this transformation is the adoption of blockchain technology in the insurance industry, which promises to revolutionize the way we understand and manage financial protection. In this article, we will explore how blockchain and biometric …

Smart city con iconos de nubes sobre los edificios.

Decentralization and blockchain applications

A DApp, short for Decentralized Application, is a type of software application that runs on a decentralized network, such as the blockchain, rather than on a centralized server. DApps are designed to be transparent, immutable and decentralized, meaning they are not controlled by a single entity or individual. Instead, they are built on a decentralized …

Monedas de bitcoin y ethereum delante de una gráfica del mercado crypto.

Video: What are consensus algorithms?

Consensus algorithms are a fundamental aspect of the blockchain. They are mechanisms designed to validate, confirm and aggregate transactions to the blockchain, which in turn allows the integrity and security of the information stored on the blockchain to be maintained. There are many types of consensus algorithms, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some …

Portada video Green sobre Zero knowledge proff

Video: What is Zero Knowledge Proof?

Cryptographic proofs are an important aspect in technology and within them, there are some very interesting ones using blockchain, such as zero knowledge proof. These algorithms allow proving that a user has certain information without sharing it. In a zero knowledge proof, there are two parts: a verifier and a demonstrator. The verifier is in …

Blockchain coin with letters of title

Video: What is Blockchain? How does it work?

Blockchain, smart contracts and federated learning technologies have revolutionized the way transactions are conducted and data is protected. However, many people may find it difficult to understand these concepts. For this reason, this article will explain one of these technologies in a simple way using an example. The blockchain is a decentralized tool used to …

Hombre mirando pantalla donde aparece un mapa con la red mundial de bitcoin

Blockchain: Networking and Mining

Blockchain technology has undergone significant changes since its inception, attracting the attention of a wide variety of audiences around the world. In the early days of this technology, the participants were the people who could see the change and were interested in the revolution that this technology would bring with its arrival. At its inception, …

Gráfico fluctuaciones mercado crypto.

Getting into Blockchain: How does it really work?

Imagine that you want to retain and track changes to a file, for example, a transaction log. Also, imagine that you want to verify an uninterrupted history of all changes made to the file. How do you do this? A well-understood solution for verifying a file uses cryptographic hash functions. The ideal cryptographic hash function …

Monedas con el logo de Bitcoin y ethereum delante de ordenador con pantalla de inversiones.

Blockchain: Introduction to decentralized network

In August 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency. A few months later, in January 2009, Bitcoin went live and has been growing in popularity ever since. However, much of the fame it gained was thanks to Blockchain, a technology that allows Bitcoin to transact securely, privately and in a malware-proof manner without …